How can BIMMS add value to your business? 

A highly qualified team, more than 100 employees, adds value to Construction Process Management through Technology and Digitalization.

Over the years, BIMMS has been involved in many high-profile and relevant Public and Private Building Projects, including:

  • Museums;
  • Metros;
  • Hotels;
  • Hospitals;
  • Universities;
  • Data Centers;
  • Semiconductors, performing services such as: Coordination, Modeling, Drawings Preconstruction, Site Support, Quantities, Planning, Management, Quantity and Quality Control, Fabrication.

To sum up, our main objectives are: Develop services and training professional activities in BIM, adapted to market needs; Implement BIM methodology and the entire collaborative process inherent to this methodology and encourage innovation and the development of good practice in the BIM area.

 How can we add value to your business?

Clique aqui e comece a digitar. Magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem ut enim ad minima veniam quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate.






Meet our Team

BIMMS in numbers

Our Clients

Adão Fonseca
Amberg Group
Balmond Studio
BIM Safety
Built COlab
Consultores de Investimentos e Engenharia, LDA
Grupo Nélson Quintas
John Keells Group
Metro do Porto
Start Campus
Teixeira Duarte
Ulster University
Universidade do Minho

Employees' Testimonials

Pedro Silva

Building Services Engineer - Specialist Engineer

Clique aqui e comece a digitar. Quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo nemo enim ipsam voluptatem.

Joana Luís

Building Services Engineer - Data Center

I began my journey with BIMMS in 2019 as a BIM Modeller, driven by a desire to learn about Building Information Modeling (BIM) and to distinguish myself as an engineer. 

Reflecting on my time here, joining BIMMS was one of the best decisions I've made, as it has provided me with a wealth of fulfilling opportunities that have significantly contributed to my professional growth.

Over the years, I progressed to the role of BIM Coordinator for Electrical Services in the Semiconductor Industry, and now I proudly serve as a BIM Lead for the Data Centres Business Unit. 

At BIMMS, every day brings new challenges that push my skills and abilities to their highest potential. 

The environment here fosters problem-solving, decision-making, and a strong sense of accountability and collaboration among team members.If I had to sum up BIMMS in one word, it would undoubtedly be "Home."

João Brochado

Local Project Manager

"After a few years working in Civil Engineering, mainly on construction sites, my interest in the BIM concept grew, given the advantages it brings to the traditional construction process. In 2021 the opportunity arose to work at BIMMS and the choice was obvious.

Initially, the duties I took on were under the supervision of a Lead Coordinator, acting as a BIM Modeler. However, over time, I took on more responsibilities in the projects, until the opportunity arose that I currently hold as a Local Project Manager.

In 2023, when BIMMS was bought by CTS Nordics, I was invited to work in Norway. The challenge was to have close contact with the projects and ensure an interface with the local design teams, while maintaining contact with the BIMMS team in Portugal. I felt it was an opportunity for growth and trust on the part of BIMMS.

I find working at BIMMS challenging due to the time constraints associated with the construction sector. However, being part of the solution and supporting the construction teams, ensuring that construction solutions are tested and analyzed beforehand, is a great motivation. It is also very satisfying, as it allows us to be an essential pillar in the preparation of the work to be carried out on site."